
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

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Version 3 of DoneJS, an open source JavaScript framework for building real-time web and mobile apps, is now available.Its creators say the new version has faster rendering and tree-shakable modules. Formerly known as JavaScriptMVC, DoneJS enables development of real-time UIs that can be exported to run on multiple platforms

What’s new in DoneJS Version 3

Key to Version 3.0 is incremental rendering, which results in speedier server rendering. With incremental rendering, an application is split into two parts: static content that can be sent immediately, and dynamic content that must wait. By sending static content right away, an app can boot earlier than in traditional server-side rendering. The server continues to render dynamic content and forward deltas to the client.

Also new in DoneJS Version 3:
  •  The CanJS 5.0 client-side JavaScript framework, including tree-shakable modules. Tree-shaking is a form of dead-code elimination that examines


statements to determine what code is being used. CanJS also has a more easily configurable service layer, for requesting data.

  •  The StealJS 2.0 JavaScript dependency loader, for easier debugging by removing the promise-polyfill when not needed.

DoneJS combines other technologies including DOM helpers from the jQuery JavaScript library, FuncUnit functional tests, and the DocumentJS documentation engine. In 2019, builders of DoneJS, whose main sponsor is the Bitovi software engineemy-app company, plan to improve the developer experience. One priority is improving build times with the steal-tools build technology.

Where to download DoneJS 3.0

You can install DoneJS via NPM:

npm install -g donejs
donejs add app my-app


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