
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

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Web development trends keep changing from time to time. In just 10 years the entire industry managed to completely change. 2019 will be no stranger to change. When it comes to effective development, it is really important that you are aware of what works and what does not work. Being ahead of trends is what helps succeed. This is why you need to be aware of the following web development trBoxes

Single Page Websites

This is a highly useful feature that we can expect pretty soon. This is true for everyone, including expert plumbers in Melbourne and any other service provider. Visitors do not need to go through different pages and just one page is actually needed. There is also a navigation option that will take people through page parts. A single page site will help the business save time, there are fewer scrolls in place and page navigations are practically reduced to zero. Everything is crisp and short.

Mobile First Indexing

This really powerful feature is very useful for the millennials because mobile users are quickly increasing in numbers. In fact, the number of people that use mobile gadgets as opposed to desktop PCs is higher right now. Because of this, it is really important that as the website is created, you need to be sure that everything is as mobile-friendly as it could be.

Mobile first indexing is quite simple to understand: a site’s mobile version is the most important thing to consider by Google. When you see that there is an increase in Google crawl bots traffic, there is a pretty good possibility that traffic comes from a mobile platform.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

Accelerated mobile pages are highly preferred these days by Google. AMP is used to speed up the way in which data is displayed for users. What is the time that can be waited before links are opened? AMP will help the website content to quickly load, all while a lot less data is being used.

PWA (Progressive Web Applications)

This appeared in 2015 but it is now really popular in web development. Clients receive an experience that is really similar to what is offered on desktop PCs and phones. It is important to observe how the computer browser displays a page. Progressive web applications will help do exactly the same thing for every user. Visitors end up with a mobile experience on desktops.

Push Notifications

Push notifications can make the site do blunders or wonders. You can end up with so many more clients when properly used but if push notifications are improperly implemented, pushing clients away is also possible.

Customer behavior needs to be understood properly in order to properly apply push notifications. They are capable of making the site unique and engaging. At the same time, there is an urge that is explored in user behavior while improving client development.

Chat Boxes

Last but not least, it is believed that around 85% of all client communications are going to happen through machines by 2020. A chat box is the best example of robots that take over humans. This helps retain clients for a long period of time and can instantly solve queries.

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Unknown delete February 7, 2019 at 12:56 PM

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Jon Sigurdsson delete April 5, 2019 at 8:28 AM

Thanks for sharing your insights!
That was pretty interesting

Web Developer Melbourne



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